Social Media Research

Social Media Research
Social Media Research, Listening & Analytics

It is the practice of measuring, managing and analyzing marketing performance to maximize its effectiveness and optimize return on investment (ROI). Understanding marketing analytics allows marketers to be more efficient at their jobs and minimize wasted web marketing dollars. The importance of marketing analyics is obvious: if something costs more than it returns, it’s not a good long-term business strategy.

Social Media Analytics

The bulk of social media data is unstructured, making it particularly difficult for enterprise to deliver quantitative analysis. We excel in social media analytics at FactSpan. We help companies realize and measure social media effectiveness in the following ways:

Leveraging text analytics to complement conventional business intelligence

Text analytics helps business users discern and capture the Voice of the Customer from social media such as blogs, forum postings, news articles, chat interactions and other network conversations. Where business intelligence has long focused on numerical data, our text analytics services help businesses augment their reporting and visualization capabilities by incorporating business-relevant information found in text and other unstructured forms

Measuring Social Media effectiveness via metrics and ROI

As companies continue to divert their marketing budgets into social media based campaigns and initiatives, we help organizations identify and measure the effectiveness of their investments. Integrating listening data with internal web behavior metrics, we help companies holistically measure the impact on awareness, transactions, brand equity, and sales lift.

Risk Analytics

Risk is inherent in business. You know that better than anyone else. Consider these common issues that organizations frequently face:

  • Unpredictable demand
  • Changing labor costs
  • Inventory shortages
  • Pending legislation

Austere will collect and analyze your company’s data to identify potential risks, quantify them, and then advise stakeholders how the company can mitigate or eliminate those risks. We help facilitate a better night’s sleep.

Loyalty Analytics

Loyalty analytics—the art and science of analyzing customer data to identify, maintain and increase the yield from your best customers—can be the centerpiece of your approach to loyalty program management. Factspan provides a complete customer understanding of critical factors, including likelihood to buy, respond, and defect.

We help our clients with the following analyses in the loyalty analytics space:

  • Forecasting the loyalty program ROI
  • Calculating customer lifetime value
  • Customer cluster analyses
  • Customer segmentation based on profitability
  • Measuring current customer attrition
  • Building predictive models to calculate customer attrition
  • Predicting program loyalty for balance sheet calculations


Competitive Intelligence

Competitive intelligence is the action of defining, gathering, analyzing, and distributing intelligence about products, customers, competitors, and any aspect of the environment needed to support executives and managers making strategic decisions for an organization.

Competitive intelligence essentially means understanding and learning what’s happening in the world outside your business so one can be as competitive as possible. It means learning as much as possible—as soon as possible—about one’s industry in general, one’s competitors, or even one’s county’s particular zoning rules. In short, it empowers you to anticipate and face challenges head on.

Key points of this definition:
  1. Competitive intelligence is an ethical and legal business practice, as opposed toindustrial espionage, which is illegal
  2. The focus is on the external business environment
  3. There is a process involved in gathering information, converting it into intelligence and then utilizing this in business decision making. Some CI professionals erroneously emphasize that if the intelligence gathered is not usable, or actionable, then it is not intelligence.


A more focused definition of CI regards it as the organizational function responsible for the early identification of risks and opportunities in the market before they become obvious. Experts also call this process the early signal analysis. This definition focuses attention on the difference between dissemination of widely available factual information (such as market statistics, financial reports, newspaper clippings) performed by functions such as libraries and information centers, and competitive intelligence which is a perspective on developments and events aimed at yielding a competitive edge.

Healthcare Clinical Analytics

Health care analytics is a product category used in the marketing of business software and consulting services. It makes extensive use of data, statistical and qualitative analysis, explanatory and predictive modeling.

Forecasting Services

Enterprises are seeking accurate forecasting of demand to stay ahead of the competition and also to increase their top lines and bottom lines. With shrinking lead times, enterprises need to not only control supply chain costs but also manage their inventories better and respond to global supply needs at increased speed and accuracy.

Austere Demand Forecasting Services have a proven track record of helping enterprises overcome these bottlenecks by improving forecasting accuracy, thereby enabling better capacity and production planning, and formulation of pricing and promotion strategies.

Retail Analytics

Retail analytics is the process of providing analytical data on inventory levels, supply chain movement, consumer demand, sales, etc. that are crucial for making marketing, and procurement decisions.

Supply Chain Analytics

Having an efficient and world-class supply chain system is critical for the success of any organization. Our data scientists will analyze all of your transactional data, and recommend ways to optimize each aspect of your supply chain, including:

  • Forecasting: How will seasonality, promotions and pricing effect sales?
  • Inventory management: How healthy is your inventory? Where are the problems and how should they be addressed?
  • Inventory placement: Which warehouses allow you to minimize your overall supply-chain costs, without negatively impacting your customer’s experience?
  • Fleet optimization: Which combination of lane selection and shipment frequency will result in the lowest transportation cost?